суббота, 24 декабря 2011 г.

Dear friends, I congratulate you on coming Christmas!
Merry X-mas!))))
Kedves barátaim, gratulálok a következő karácsonyt!
Boldog Karácsonyt!
Френды, поздравляю Вас с наступающим Рождеством!)
Счастливого Рождества!

четверг, 22 декабря 2011 г.

Yes. The show must go on. Continuation of the story after the defense.
Well, as always, still gossiping. Now, the other version. All terribly bad, and generally respond poorly, played poorly, thesis awful and not even Thesis, and thesis unpretentious. They wanted to be "against" 8 people, just for the sake of my supervisor voted "yes". And to me all angry and resentful ... And now I have a new code name "insolent monster," an insolent, arrogant, arrogant. Well, exactly. Came just to graduate and boldly intimidated all the scientific council of the professors. Theatre of the Absurd!

вторник, 20 декабря 2011 г.

Yes. I did it! All thesis defended. I now candidate of agricultural sciences. Hurrah. It was hell. I tore two hours. Block 2 "against" and 18 "for", that is nonsense for our Academic Council. Usually unanimously. Professor Ovchinnikov literally traditions of the '30s shook my abstracts. Shouted that it does not work, you can not do this to protect the produce. And my supervisor was in the hospital. In the morning before my dissertation (I was late with the documents of the illness of my supervisor) yelled at me Scientist Secretary and Chairman of the Board. At the most protection in addition Ovchinnikov someone else voted against it. I do not know who. But I'm very, very grateful to my opponents, that's what really saved me and gave a wonderful hunt specialist Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Professor, Department of pig Leonid Timofeyev (he is still recovering after surgery, but he came), and vice president of the Russian assotsiiatsii trotting class "Commonwealth" Allais Mikhailovna Polzunov. Very helped me and supported my work and those from whom I do not expect this is a Department of Animal Physiology, Department of our quarrel with them and they usually carry the horsebreeders. And then there was a major support. Thank you and them. Thank you and our head of the department, not that he was delighted with the work. But he just made that would support her. For which he thanks a lot. In general, everything was very difficult, but successful.

пятница, 16 декабря 2011 г.

Ураа!!! Спасибо drágam Баннюшка. Фото с сентябрьского кажется фотосета. Пока только одно. Фотограф : Funny_Bunny
This is not the day. It's a nightmare. I have a dissertation on Monday. My supervisor was in the hospital today. My main opponent is recovering after surgery. My second opponent caught a chill and fever. Report from the floor that has not been scanned, respectively. Replies opponetov and conclusion of the Dissertation Council, too. Concluding remarks all the more. Moreover, it seems my supervisor is unlikely to be able to attend the thesis defense ((((.

суббота, 3 декабря 2011 г.


Drágam periodically perturbed again, saying that he was not Hungarian. Therefore, paprika, in an amount not love. Well, let tolerate - I love it. So, today's lunch. Goulash a la chang, cream brulee and b trials Christmas cakes. Recipe for creme brulee and I repeat here.

Goulash a la chang

beef (chuck) - 1 kg - mutton, I took 750g
sauerkraut - 500g
rice - 80g
paprika - 15g
sour cream - 100 ml
fat - 120g
Onions - 200g
cumin - 1g
Garlic - 1 clove
salt - 25g.

The meat is cut into pieces of 30-40 g and washed in water. Sliced ​​onion slices lightly fried in oil, and sprinkle with paprika it with cumin. Put to the same meat with garlic.

When the meat fry, add a little water and cook on low heat. As the evaporation of the liquid poured water. After a half hour pre-lay washed sauerkraut and topped up with more water so that it covered the whole stew. Continue to cook until the meat is still not nearly ready, and then fall asleep in Fig.

Before submitting, sprinkled with sour cream, mix well and spread in a deep dish. If desired, garnish the dish can be sliced ​​green peppers.

Creme Brulee:

To 8 servings

500 ml double cream
65 g of cane sugar
1 sachet of vanilla sugar
8 egg yolks
assorted berries, which have at the moment, we can morozhenyh

It was:
sea ​​buckthorn
extra sugar for the caramel crust

1. Egg yolks, sugar and vanilla sugar and mix well, add cream and stir again.
2. Each kremanku add to l.yagod hours.
3. Pour cream mixture over the yolk-kremankam and bake at 100 ° C, 40 min. to a thick cream.
4. Cool it.

When serving sprinkle with cane sugar and burn the top (under the grill or burner).

The recipe belongs to: trio-mia.livejournal.com/115933.html

Christmas gingerbread.

200g butter, or margarine. Replaced some of the oil in cream.
2.5 - cups flour (I had to add more)
1 cup sugar
2 egg yolks
1.5 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 \ 2 teaspoon ground cloves
1 \ 2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
2 tablespoons of cocoa with a slide
6 tablespoons of honey or molasses
2 teaspoons of baking powder to the test.

Soft butter mixed with sugar, honey and egg yolks. In a lot of add (better sift) flour, spices, cocoa and baking powder.
On a floured surface roll out the dough, you can sprinkle small sugar for rolling ease. Molds to cut out figures of men, stars, etc. Place on a baking sheet with parchment zastelennye. Bake in a preheated to 200 degrees Celsius oven for 10 minutes. Cooled cakes can be covered with icing.